Is it Safe to Go Back to the Gym?

Is it Safe to Go Back to the Gym?

I’d love to be able to answer that question definitively, but the truth is, I can’t. What I can do is share some articles with you, and the opinions of health experts. I can also share with you what I’m doing at Groove Barre to support our joint safety. And I’ll share this with you too: I’m afraid to get it wrong. The worst thing that could happen is to have an outbreak traced back to our studio, so I’m doing every thing in my power to prevent that from happening.

I have bad knees, bad hips, a sore back, whatever…

I have bad knees, bad hips, a sore back, whatever…

There is an expression that is so appropriate for fitness: move it or lose it. Well intentioned sports therapists or doctors sometimes recommend complete rest for an injury, and then more bad things happen. Nowadays, the advice is often to keep it moving.